BoomeRangers. A verse play for Theatre, Radio, or Animation.
The first BoomeRangers book ‘Dead Centre’ was originally written in verse and this new and revised version is very closely modelled on that original concept. I have always visualized the BoomeRanger books as performance pieces, ideally with music, song, dance, and as much colour and movement as could reasonably fit on a stage, and within a clearly limited school budget! I will leave it up to others to find a way to turn this into ‘Mad Max meets Priscilla meets Skippy on Broadway‘ or whatever.
There are a lot of very ‘hummable’ songs now in the public domain so perhaps they could be a great starting point. I’m sure with the right ‘rap’ delivery, most of this could sound pretty good, even with the barest minimum of original music or accompaniment, but if you have a school band or choir that’s up for it, then even better!
Friends and family in the teaching profession have often bemoaned the difficulty of finding a school play or musical that could provide a role for all their students, from the little preppies through to the high-school graduates. Hopefully it’s here, able to handle a cast of hundreds!
Time, space and money will no doubt require certain scenes to be cut or even abandoned completely – I’m not going to get all precious about that – but I just ask that you do it in a way that what remains will still make some sort of sense.
For schools and bona fide educational institutions, no performance fee will be charged, but please contact me so I can acknowledge your details and give permission.
BoomeRangers. A Verse Play for Theatre, Radio or Animation
ISBN 9781466410596 180 page Softcover
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To purchase direct from the author contact: andrew@boomerangers.com